Post Project Reflection

Which picture was the best shot of this assignment? Why?
My first shot was the best shot of this assignment, it was the best because of the pattern kind of motion, and because of the details. 

Which picture was the weakest shot of this assignment? Why?
The third picture was the weakest, it was weak because it was out of focus and kind of blurry.

How can the weakest image be improved in future shoots?
In future shots I can make sure that my camera is in focus and that I move the camera less to capture the image.

Did you use Photoshop, Lightroom, or both? What tools in the program did you use to edit the pictures? 
I used Lightroom I used the whites, black, saturation and the texture in Lightroom to edit my pictures.

How were you able to meet the objectives (GOALS) of this assignment?
I was able to take my pictures, edit them, and turn them in to meet the goals of my assignment.  I also took the pictures to the specific assignment. 

What was easy about this assignment? Why?
Taking the pictures was easy because the camera shutter speed was fast and you could adjust it. They also came out really pretty. 

What was difficult about this assignment? Why? 
Choosing which pictures to use was what was difficult because they were all really pretty.

If you could do this assignment again, what would you do differently?
I would turn my pictures in on time and I would take pictures in better motion, make sure my images and camera are in focus.

I'd give myself a 7 out of 10 because I like the pictures I took and I put effort into the project to take my photos. 


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